Sherman is a talented undercover agent that works with Felix on undercover missions all over the world. Sherman is a smart ass, quick to judge, and always gets himself in over his head. He is a cameleon when it comes to his work. He gets over possessed about his roles and forgets his boundaries. (that is where the comedy comes in) Sherman smokes weed to get through the situations and his mind drifts, but when he gets together with Felix, Felix is pretty uncomfortable, so he has to look out for his only friend. Sherman has been working with him for years and pretty much knows what he is thinking when Felix doesn't even know. Sherman keeps the ball moving forward and all the undercover missions on track. Sherman has a reputation for being a brawler, the heavy hand in situations but the most reliable source of information to relay back to the bosses. Sherman finds himself in trouble and high all the time but manages to get the job done.
Garikayi Mutambirwa plays the role of Felix.
Felix is a young Frenchman loving his life in L.A. He and Sherman are good friends, working on a secret project titled "L.A. Pretenders". Felix has the difficult task of maintaining his sense of self, and not falling into the "L.A. Pretend" game. He also faces the challenge of keeping his friendship with Sherman and making sure everyone on the project is happy. Felix is a good natured, optimistic young man.
Nathan Marlow plays the role of Fernando.
The character of Fernando is complex. He was born a white boy, but raised in Mexico by a Mexican family. Fernando is a wanna-be actor/wanna-be businessman who is still deeply rooted in his adopted Mexican heritage. He is very eccentric and naïve when it comes to life in general. Fernando’s wardrobe consists of business suits, panchos and santiags. Fernando wants to become a successful businessman, but his passion lies with acting. This dichotomy could present some interesting challenges.
Kara Chaput plays the role of Beverly.
Beverly is the quintessential wannabe Hollywood starlet. Thanks to daddy's endless support she is able to spend her afternoons shopping at Kitson, dining at The Ivy, getting mani/pedis and killing time with the other great pretenders. She is a huge advocate of the lemon water diet or simply eating nothing at all. She wore all black Channel for 3 straight days while mourning Heath Ledger's death; even though she had never actually met him. Beverly prides herself on her innovative fashion sense, as she was the first to wrap a sterling silver fork around her wrist and wear it as a bracelet. She is deeply intrigued by Sherman as he is the only male around her who does not kiss her ass. She gets what she wants and takes any attention she can get. But like many situations in life... things are not always what they seem.
Sherry Romito plays the role of Holly.

Sherry Romito plays the role of Holly.
Holly is a girl just trying to make it in Hollywood by any means necessary. She has talent but feels the only way to make it is by playing the game, which she can sometimes thrive at when she ignores her morality. A little lost in the Hollywood maze, Holly is searching for an identity, and trying to get famous while she’s at it.
Owen Williams plays the role of Glen.

Glen is fresh off the boat. Naïve to the Hollywood game of stardom, he comes off “green” and vulnerable. His intentions to be an actor are truly for the joy of acting, rather than the pursuit of fame and fortune, which makes him an easy target in a town that thrives on shallowness, selfishness, manipulation, and greed. He is a little lost and hungry, searching for his dream and sacrificing his hunger for his cause. He’s a good guy, and good guys never win.
Gary Edward plays the role of Mr. Adams.

All bark, no bite - Mr. Adams is the project’s imposing, fake godfatherlike boss.
Owen Williams plays the role of Glen.
Glen is fresh off the boat. Naïve to the Hollywood game of stardom, he comes off “green” and vulnerable. His intentions to be an actor are truly for the joy of acting, rather than the pursuit of fame and fortune, which makes him an easy target in a town that thrives on shallowness, selfishness, manipulation, and greed. He is a little lost and hungry, searching for his dream and sacrificing his hunger for his cause. He’s a good guy, and good guys never win.
Gary Edward plays the role of Mr. Adams.
All bark, no bite - Mr. Adams is the project’s imposing, fake godfatherlike boss.
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